Nosso produto

Código do Produto:

O GSE facilita o acesso da energia de sustentabilidade Planetária nos 5 continentes em velocidade do pensamento gerando transformação de comportamento através da neuroplasticidade que reflete no ESG e no Clima Global. Para mais informações, entre em contato conosco.

Audio description:

Dr. Marrabuchi founder of the Global Social Energy has an international know how of more than thirty years in oriental medicine seeking for planetary balance.
GSE has a mission of total connectivity among the nations in the world, it generates a global sustenability. This ground work took place in many countries as in Japan, Thailand, Indonesia-Bali, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal and Dubai.
The GSE was developed through a global exeperience, a state of art system which a neurocenssor triggers the cerebral energy by its frequency and vibration, generating neuroplasticity in 86 billion neurotransmission in the brain, recoding and creating a new behaviour with renowned results.
A planetary wellness in a Global Social Energy where God is God the big bang of creation.


Horário de Atendimento

Seg - Sex: 08:00h às 17:30
Sáb e Dom: Fechado


R. Laurindo Januário da Silveira - Lagoa da Conceição
Florianópolis - SC

Canais de Atendimento

48 99982-3297
